
T-shirt culture and commercial illustration

Trends septrainbow

With the development of society and economy, people's consumption concepts and lifestyles are undergoing tremendous changes, and individualized consumption needs have become the persistent pursuit of every consumer. The demand for T-shirt patterns has shifted from the era of mass consumption to the era of personalized consumption. Today's printed t-shirts focus on expressing individualized positions and attitudes from patterns, and entrust personal ideological pursuits. The pattern plays an accent and prominent effect in the T-shirt. Therefore, pattern design is particularly important.

1. The current situation of the integration of commercial illustration and T-shirt culture

In the development process of contemporary fashion aesthetics and design popularity, people propose to cross-border the commercial illustration and T-shirt culture. By exploring the relationship between commercial illustrations, T-shirt graphic design and T-shirt popular culture, people could examine the T-shirt culture from the perspective of illustration and look at T-shirt products from the perspective of fashion aesthetics. People broaden the commercial illustration industry chain from the research perspective of T-shirt graphic design, provide graphic design and business operation mode of commercial illustration for T-shirt graphic design and development services, and build a large platform for cross-border integration of commercial illustration and T-shirt culture.

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1.1 Commercial illustrations promote T-shirt graphic design

Looking at T-shirt design from the perspective of the development of the apparel industry, its focus and aesthetic transcendence are interpreted in the creation of T-shirt patterns. Through the interpretation of the commercial illustration industry chain, it can be known that the commercial illustration design materials integrated into the T-shirt pattern design bring together a multidimensional synthesis of Chinese cultural taste, technological innovation, industrial economy, fashion aesthetics, design fashion, and lifestyle. Graphic design materials, based on the concept of people-oriented and design serving people, use characters as materials in the selection of commercial illustration design cases, and use hand-painting and collage design techniques to effectively design the character images in commercial illustrations and T-shirt designs and improve the creative level of T-shirt design in all aspects. Under the guidance of fashion aesthetics and design popular beauty, People integrate the commercial illustrations with T-shirt graphic design, and create the images of animals, plants, characters, text, sights, events, photos, etc. through the style, composition, color and size of different patterns, to interpret the various hot topics in today's society, so that the derived popular online language, internet celerity emoticons, etc. become commercial illustration creation materials, which are used in T-shirt graphic design. While in line with the current consumer fashion aesthetic concept, once this trendy design commercial illustration T-shirt is on the market, it is easy to be recognized by the public, and sales are bursting.

The integration of commercial illustration and T-shirt graphic design will enhance the fashion, popularity, and reputation of T-shirt graphic design. While increasing the high value-added of commercial illustration and T-shirt products, it will leverage the commercial market that integrates commercial illustration and T-shirt graphic design and commercial value, exploring open product design ideas, and realizing the rapid transformation and upgrading of the industrial chain of "core design concepts—design and development trends—product promotion—commodity sales strategies" for products in various terminal application fields, so as to realize the sustainability of commercial illustration T-shirts design.

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1.2 Combination of commercial illustration and T-shirt culture

Along with the hot social issues arising from China’s society, politics, economy, technology, etc., from the perspectives of anthropology, sociology, ethics, psychology, linguistics, communication, aesthetics, etc., people promote the integration of commercial illustrations with the fashion aesthetics and popularity of T-shirt culture, and timely control the popular behavior of commercial illustrations and the market evaluation of T-shirt popular culture.

On one hand, analyze the influencing factors of street culture. Since the rise of street culture in the 1950s, the representative keywords have ranged from "Beat Generation" in the 1950s, "Hippies" in the 1960s, "Punks" in the 1970s, "Yuppies" in the 1980s, and "X-ethnic group" in the 90s, into a self-contained street youth today. It is the development, popularity and evolution of these street cultures that the various elements of street-wear are increasingly recognized by the market, which has given birth to the fusion of commercial illustrations and T-shirt culture.

On the other hand, the trend of T-shirts is interpreted from the perspective of fashion trends. Since Logo advertisements appeared on T-shirts in the 1960s, T-shirts with images in the 1970s were popular all over the world. In the 1980s, small lapel and short-sleeved T-shirts with colorful patterns were put into mass production. In the 1990s, T-shirts became the favorite of fashion shows. The experience of change, until the cultural change and replacement carried by T-shirts in the 21st century, the integration of commercial illustration and T-shirt culture advocates the use of traditional culture, fashion aesthetics, and design popular knowledge to explain contemporary commercial illustrations in T-shirt cultural design The application situation in China.

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Nowadays, as people's focus on traditional Chinese culture has shifted, the inheritance and development of traditional Spring Festival culture has been weakened. Therefore, in order to promote the traditional Chinese New Year culture in China, commercial illustrations, such as the 2020 Chinese zodiac, New Year red envelopes, couplets, firecrackers, lanterns, Chinese knots and other commercial illustrations are integrated with the traditional culture of T-shirts, and the traditional Chinese New Year culture is interpreted by commercial illustration design language. T-shirt pattern design form, forming a commercial illustration T-shirt pattern with mobile advertising effect and visual image language. While intuitively conveying the cultural and spiritual connotations of the Spring Festival celebrations from a new perspective, in the context of the era of big data and new media technology, the business illustration design language and T-shirt pattern design are matched to broaden T-shirt pattern design ideas and methods , To promote T-shirt patterns to produce design culture, design aesthetics, design value and design emotional resonance.

2. Market considerations for the integration of commercial illustration and T-shirt culture

First of all, from the perspective of custom T-shirt design, the customization content mainly includes emotional customization (couple, parent-child wear, family wear, etc.), event customization (proposal, holiday, birthday, anniversary, etc.), activity customization (party, annual meeting, Performances, competitions, etc.) and professional customization and other product promotion projects. According to different customer needs, we provide commercial illustration T-shirt styles and graphic design solutions, such as high-speed rail staff commercial illustration T-shirt summer uniforms. The design solutions range from the lapel or stand-up collar of the T-shirt Start with two button styles, integrate appropriate commercial illustrations while suitable for professional characteristics, use commercial illustrations T-shirt graphic language, combined with railway safety education, intuitively understand, recognize and remember the information transmitted by visual advertisements, following the principles of systemicity, pertinence and feasibility in the railway safety rules and regulations have opened up a broad commercial market for the customized service of commercial illustration brand T-shirts, and promoted the professional customized design of commercial illustration T-shirts.

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Secondly, from the perspective of tourism project promotion, build a cooperation platform for tourist attractions and commercial illustration brand T-shirt projects, and use commercial illustration T-shirts to integrate information on characteristic architecture, landscape design, traditional folklore, cultural activities, cultural and creative products, etc. The artistic form of shirts is expressed. Through the graphic advertising effect on the commercial illustration T-shirts, the audience can intuitively interpret the information of the tourist attractions. At the same time, the tourist attractions formulate quotas for free tours based on the daily flow of tourists. The quota tourists must wear The free brand logo T-shirts provided by the scenic area can enjoy the free ticket activities. To analyze from another perspective, this kind of tourism project promotion activities that enjoy free tickets and free T-shirts can better promote the effective combination of the tourism industry and the T-shirt industry in the context of the fast fashion era through new business ideas and practical strategies, which is beneficial Further explore the innovative business paths of the tourism industry and T-shirt industry.

Finally, from the analysis of commercial derivative products, the square inch graphic design on the chest of the commercial illustration T-shirt satisfies the audience's fashion attitude and emotional resonance in the spiritual life of the audience, and meets the audience's material life functional needs and value guidance in practical innovation . Through the human-machine-environment and function-structure-form relationship of social phenomena to analyze the essential power of commercial illustration T-shirts, it is widely used in the development and sales of derivative products under the market economy. It is not difficult to find out that commercial illustration T-shirts are closely related to most of these industries and industry products and are full of various business opportunities. When businesses see the value of commercial illustration T-shirts, they also implant their product information advertisements into T-shirts. Among the shirts, the sustainable economic development of derivative products and commercial illustration T-shirt products is truly realized.


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